* | quran | * | 103. al-`asr. time      <   > 

1.  *     By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),     By the afternoon.     And/by the time/era/end of day to dusk.     swr+ al`Sr bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? wal`Sr
2.  *     Verily Man is in loss,     The human being is utterly lost.     That truly the human/mankind (is) in (E) loss.     an alansan lfy Ksr
3.  *     Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.     Except those who believe and lead a righteous life, and exhort one another to uphold the truth, and exhort one another to be steadfast.     Except those who believed and made/did the correct/righteous deeds, and directed/commanded with the truth/just, and directed/commanded with the patience.     ala alXyn amnwa w`mlwa alSalHat wtwaSwa balHq wtwaSwa balSbr